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Stone Kicking
Critical Design Journal for Adam Lewis
Topic 1: Mirrors and Windows
Topic 2: Methods and Meaning
Topic 3: Authorship and Collaboration
Topic 4: Reading Photographs
Topic 5: Interdisciplinary Practice
Illustrated Research Project Proposal
Topic 7: Words and Pictures
Topic 8: Audiences and institutions
Topic 9: Nature and Culture
Topic 10: Photography, Power and Others
Topic 11: After Photography
Topic 1: Photography: The Shape-shifter
Topic 2: Is It Really, Real?
Topic 3: Photographic Fictions
Topic 4: Into the Image World
Topic 5: Fascinating Looks
Topic 7: A Sea of Images
Topic 9: Responses and Responsibilities
Topic 10: Contexts of Consumption
Topic 11: Speaking Photographically
Topic 1: Collaboration in Practice
Topic 2: Archive and Authorship
Topic 3: Collaboration and Environments
Topic 4: Engaging the Audience
Topic 5: Sharing your Work
Topic 6: Promoting your work
Project ideas
Topic 10: Contexts of Consumption